24/7 In-Home Care
O’Connell specializes in providing 24/7 around-the-clock care for persons suffering from severe medical conditions, recovering from surgeries. Our care planners will staff and coordinate core teams with rotating schedules to provide you qualified, reliable continuous care for your loved one.
About O’Connell
Fran O’Connell received his earliest lessons on the meaning and importance of home, family, individuality and life when he was a boy. Watching the unconditional care and love provided to family members, Fran quickly recognized the emotional significance of treating people as unique, special individuals—because that’s who we all are.
For Fran O’Connell, those experiences did more than shape the man he is—they’ve shaped his philosophy toward elder care and a business devoted to providing it.
“I called upon O’Connell to assist my parents with medication management and other services at home. When my father passed away several months ago, I asked O’Connell to expand the scope of my mother’s care to ensure that she could remain comfortably at home. I have found the O’Connell staff to be competent, flexible, responsive, and caring, and I highly recommend O’Connell to anyone who needs home health care.”