Our Service Values

A reliable source of Professional Care At-Home for more than 30 years.

A Community Focus:  O’Connell’s operates community-based offices from Greenfield to Auburn covering all the adjoining communities. While each office is designed to serve its respective community, they also work collaboratively every day to help support each other’s schedules and assure clients receive reliable quality care wherever they live.

Trained/Certified Staff: In addition to its administrative staff, each of our offices are staffed with at least one nurse and up to 100 certified home aides with varied levels of training and certifications appropriate for each in-home situation.

Set up for Success: To ensure the client/caregiver relationship is an enriching and successful one, we are committed to initial in-home quality assessments completed by a licensed nurse as a standard part of our client on-boarding process. These visits provide a professional assessment of the clients physical, mental and emotion needs along with consideration of the physical setting.

Here for you- Where you need usO’Connell provides thousands of hours of home care service to both private clients and state supported situations.  Care services are also regularly provided to clients located in skilled nursing facilities as an adjunct to the facility staff.

Here for you – When you need us:  O’Connell’s does not use an answering service. Our offices are accessible and on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. We are committed to quickly respond to schedule changes, arrange services, and communicate with caregivers who carry mobile devices.

Here for you – With what you NeedWhatever the situation, we have likely faced it before.  Our team has decades of combined experience in home care. If you need care at home for yourself or a loved one, we are here for you and have the staff and skills fit your unique situation.

O'Connell Caregivers Group Photo

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